Counter Terrorist Unit

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Welcome To The Official Habbo Hotel Counter Terrorist Unit [CTU]

[CTU] Is owned by CTU-Owner on the USA Hotel. Here at [CTU] We help stop terror throughout the hotel. That includes Scammers, Harrassment, Flooding, and anything that breaks the Habbo Way. [CTU] has become very big over the months, and has over 1000 Staff members Ranging from recruits, to representatives. We have developed many different ways of communication, and Virtual wars, that no other army on Habbo hotel has. That is what has brought so many Habbos to work for us.

Make sure you check the navigational Bar (to the Left) for more information about CTU. This site is especially for newer CTU members. We want to inform you all about events, and all the things that happen at CTU. Now, go off and check out the pages!

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